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Pharmaceutical industry virtual Open Days

During the coronavirus pandemic between 2020-2022, AWMSG replaced the annual Masterclass meeting for the pharmaceutical industry with a series of virtual Open Day events. Videos of the presentations given at these events are available below.

Face-to-face industry events resumed in 2023 and presentations from these are available from the AWMSG Industry Masterclasses and Open Days page.

Open Days 2022

24 November 2022
Medicines access in Wales
What's new?
23 June 2022
One Wales medicines process
Medicines optimisation - an update
3 March 2022
Market access in Wales
AWTTC update
In 2021 AWMSG replaced the annual Masterclass meeting for pharmaceutical industry, with a series of free virtual Open Day events due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Open Days 2021

15 December 2021
Appraisal (3)
Submitting a robust economic evaluation
Using the AWTTC budget impact template
18 November 2021
One Wales Medicines process - an overview
New AWTTC website - information for industry
Q&A session
This session gave an overview of the AWTTC One Wales Medicines process and also a preview of the new merged AWTTC website which will shortly be replacing both this website (AWMSG) and the current AWTTC website.
23 September 2021
National Prescribing Indicators (NPIs) and medicines optimisation
Past, present and future
8 July 2021
Appraisal Session 2
This was the second session focusing on HTA appraisal and covered communication and engagement and the process for appraising paediatric licence extensions.
10 June 2021
Appraisal Session 1: How can you make a good appraisal submission?
This was the first session focusing on HTA appraisal and covered appraisal process timelines, hints and tips on making a good submission and appraisal process updates.
18 March 2021
How can we ensure timely access to medicines for people in Wales?
This event focused on market access and early engagement, Statements of Advice (SOAs) and commercial arrangements.
15 December 2020
Launch event
This event, which was opened by the AWMSG Chair, was attended by over 40 pharmaceutical industry professionals, who were given an opportunity to meet the team and find out more about the Open Day programme for 2021.

Download Open Day Programme flyer