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Tramadol educational resources - 2021 review

The resources were first developed in 2013 as a response to a request by Welsh Government. This update has reviewed the current evidence base and revised the information in the resources within the wider context of pain management. Our latest review of these resources highlighted a need for continued appropriate prescribing and monitoring of tramadol, as well as other opioid medicines, in NHS Wales.

There has been a steady decrease in prescribing of tramadol in Wales since the introduction of these resources, the National Prescribing Indicators, and legislation on the reclassification of tramadol in 2014. However, there is still a need to promote appropriate prescribing in the wider context of opioid medicines used in Wales and in the treatment of chronic pain conditions in general. Since the resources were first published the evidence base has increased to recommend that opioid medicines are not appropriate for chronic non-cancer pain.

Tramadol educational resources - review 2021 681KB (PDF)

Pull-out sections (MS Word)

(Published: September 2021)

Patient information leaflets

These tramadol patient information leaflets provide key facts for patients taking the opioid pain reliever tramadol. They cover: advice for safe use, possible side effects, and other medicines and drugs to avoid when taking tramadol. The leaflets support the updated Tramadol educational resources endorsed by AWMSG in 2021, and replace our previous Tramadol Patient Information Leaflet.

The leaflets are presented in three formats (A, B and C), each with Welsh and English language versions. Format A uses a more traditional style; format B is slightly shorter and has a more visual presentation; and format C is in an Easy Read format.

Tramadol - patient information leaflet - Format A (English) - 62KB (PDF)
Tramadol - patient information leaflet - Format A (Welsh) - 87KB (PDF)
Tramadol - patient information leaflet - Format B (English) - 207KB (PDF)
Tramadol - patient information leaflet - Format B (Welsh) - 232KB (PDF)
Tramadol - patient information leaflet - Format C Easy Read (English) - 1.5MB (PDF)
Tramadol - patient information leaflet - Format C Easy Read (Welsh) - 1.4MB (PDF)

(Patient information leaflets published July 2022, Easy Read added July 2023)

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