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Find out more about the One Wales Medicine process by watching our new animated video

We have released a new video highlighting the significant work of the One Wales Medicine process. English-language and Welsh-language subtitled versions of the video are available.

Established in 2016 the One Wales Medicine process can help when a group of patients might benefit from a medicine that may not be routinely available in Wales including medicines with or without a license.

The animated video explains in detail how the One Wales Medicine process works in advising NHS Wales on medicines. If they approve an ‘All Wales’ consideration for positive recommendations this will make medicines available across the whole of Wales.

For clinicians, pharmacists and clinical networks there is a medicine request form available on the AWTTC website to request a medicine for consideration.

As well as requests AWTTC collects and analyses data from Individual Patient Funding Requests (IPFRs) across Wales to look for potential groups of patients for a particular medicine and condition that might be suitable for the One Medicines Wales process.

The One Wales Medicines Assessment Group (OWMAG) assesses the evidence collected by AWTTC and makes a recommendation on the use of the medicine to health board chief executives. If they endorse the recommendation, the decision applies across NHS Wales.

The duration of a One Wales decision is decided on a case-by-case basis. One Wales decisions will be reviewed by OWMAG after a minimum of 12 months (up to a maximum of three years) from the date of advice or earlier if new evidence becomes available.

For licensed medicines, One Wales advice is interim to Health technology Assessment (HTA) guidance from the All Wales Medicines Assessment Group (AWMSG) or National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

You can also watch the animated video and find out more about the process from our One Wales Medicine process web page.

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