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Safe use of proton pump inhibitors

This document aims to highlight and help address the patient safety issues associated with the long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) in adults. It includes examples of support material which can be used or adapted for this purpose.

⇩ Safe Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors 1,180KB (PDF)

(February 2018)

Patient Information

⇩ Patient Information - Stopping your proton pump inhibitor 42KB (PDF)
⇩ Patient Information - Stopping your proton pump inhibitor 145KB (Word)
⇩ Gwybodaeth i Gleifion - Stopio eich atalwyr pwmp proton 64KB (PDF)
⇩ Gwybodaeth i Gleifion - Stopio eich atalwyr pwmp proton 158KB (Word)
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