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Yellow Card Centre Wales supports the World Health Organization's World Patient Safety Day 2020

The WHO stated that "the COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled the huge challenges and risks health workers are facing globally including health care associated infections, violence, stigma, psychological and emotional disturbances, illness and even death.

Furthermore, working in stressful environments makes health workers more prone to errors which can lead to patient harm."

Therefore, the theme for World Patient Safety Day 2020 was Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety.

YCC Wales supported the campaign via social media. They also produced a poster highlighting the importance of having a strong safety culture within organisations and how reporting safety incidents, near misses and adverse effects is a crucial component of how practice is made safer. The poster also highlights the support that is available from the team at YCC Wales regarding adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and reporting suspected ADRs to the Yellow Card scheme. Readers were encouraged to ALWAYS report medicines safety incidents (via Datix) and adverse drug reactions (to the Yellow Card scheme).

YCC Wales was also invited to host an information session as part of the Cardiff and Vale UHB World Patient Safety Day Teams meeting. Information was shared about the importance of reporting suspected ADRs, as well as who can report, what to report and how to report them via the Yellow Card scheme. This session was well received and generated lots of interesting discussion. 

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