Kelly Wood, Senior Scientist at the All Wales Therapeutics and Toxicology Centre (AWTTC), won the Equality/Welsh Language Category in the Clinical Diagnostics and Therapeutics Clinical Board Staff Recognition Scheme. This was for the hard work Kelly has done promoting use of the Welsh language and driving forward compliance with the Welsh Language Standards.
Kelly has undertaken an extensive review of AWTTC’s processes and documentation in relation to the Welsh Language Standards and put together a comprehensive action plan for the department. AWTTC’s progress with implementing Welsh Language initiatives has been shared with other areas of the health board to help support best practice.
Examples of work already done include establishing the language preference for Patient and Public Interest Group delegates, setting up a Welsh Language AWTTC Twitter account, providing all staff with bilingual email signatures including a logo to show their level of fluency with Welsh, and a pilot of computer software for checking spelling and grammar in Welsh. Provision of a bilingual service will help encourage and improve patient and public involvement in AWTTC’s work.
Kelly was presented with her award by Matt Temby, Director of Operations, Clinical Diagnostics & Therapeutics Clinical Board. Kelly has also been put forward for the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board 2020 Staff Recognition Awards for this work.