Key changes include removing the end-of-life modifier and introducing a new ‘severity modifier’, described in AWMSG’s new ‘Policy for appraising medicines for severe conditions’. The ‘severity modifier’ will benefit people living with a range of conditions, including end-of-life conditions and seriously debilitating conditions.
AWMSG has also updated its policy for appraising medicines developed specifically to treat very rare diseases to align with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) criteria for highly specialised technologies (HST). Both AWMSG policies can be found under ‘All appraisal documents’ on AWTTC website.
AWMSG recommended these changes after a review of its HTA appraisal methods and processes in 2022. The review was done after NICE published updates to its HTA process and methods manual. AWMSG’s review was needed to align HTA methods between the two organisations, and to enable equitable access to medicines in Wales.