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Best practice reminder: Avoid nitrofurantoin in the treatment of pyelonephritis (Retired)

Inappropriate antibiotic use in suspected UTI risks infection with multi-resistant organisms and treatment failure, leading to urosepsis. Improving the management of UTIs is important for patient safety and antimicrobial stewardship.

This short ‘Best Practice Reminder’ document has been developed to inform primary care prescribers about avoiding the prescribing of nitrofurantoin in patients with suspected pyelonephritis, the rationale behind this and what can be prescribed in its place.

This resource has been retired and is no longer considered an AWMSG-endorsed resource.

This resource underwent an assessment for review in June 2024. At that time, members of the All Wales Prescribing Advisory Group (AWPAG) considered it appropriate to retire the resource.

The content contained within the resource was considered to be out of date and, as other suitable alternative guidance exists (e.g. AWMSG’s Primary care antimicrobial guidelines), AWPAG members considered it most appropriate for the resource to be retired at this time.

If you think this resource should be reconsidered for review, please get in touch with AWTTC by emailing


⇩ Best Practice Reminder: Avoid Nitrofurantoin in the Treatment of Pyelonephritis 225KB (PDF)

(February 2021 - Original publication)

(December 2024 - Retired)

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