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All Wales guidance for prescribing intervals

In 2019, as part of a commitment made regarding the contractual reform agreement with Community Pharmacy Wales (CPW), Welsh Government commissioned the Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care (WIHSC) to undertake a review of dispensing volumes in community pharmacies across Wales, with the purpose of considering the feasibility of reducing prescription volumes in primary care through practical changes to prescribing and dispensing arrangements, including the consideration of prescribing intervals. The review also aimed to establish whether such changes would release significant amounts of pharmacist time to provide direct patient care, thereby supporting the increased range of clinical services able to be offered by community pharmacists. The review concluded that, on balance, there would be a benefit to pharmacies, GPs and patients if dispensing intervals were extended.

This document presents an overview of the current situation regarding prescribing intervals, and sets out a series of recommendations on increasing prescribing intervals where appropriate.

⇩ All Wales Guidance for Prescribing Intervals 293KB (PDF)

(October 2022)

Equality and Health Impact Assessment (EqHIA) form

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