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romiplostim (Nplate®)


Following a limited submission

AWMSG advice

Status: Recommended

Romiplostim (Nplate®) is recommended as an option for use within NHS Wales for the treatment of chronic immune (idiopathic) thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) patients aged 1 year to < 18 years who are refractory to other treatments (for example, corticosteroids, immunoglobulins). This recommendation applies only in circumstances where the approved Patient Access Scheme (PAS) is utilised or where the list/contract price is equivalent or lower than the PAS price.

 Final Recommendation: romiplostim (Nplate) 3103 (PDF, 340Kb)
 Appraisal Report: romiplostim (Nplate) 3103 (PDF, 111Kb)

Medicine details

Medicine name romiplostim (Nplate®)
Formulation 125 micrograms powder for solution for injection
Reference number 3103

Treatment of chronic immune (idiopathic) thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) patients aged 1 year to < 18 years who are refractory to other treatments (for example, corticosteroids, immunoglobulins)

Company Amgen Ltd
BNF chapter Nutrition & blood
Submission type Limited
Status Recommended
Advice number 0119
NMG meeting date 09/01/2019
AWMSG meeting date 13/02/2019
Date of issue 05/03/2019
Date of last review April 2022
Commercial arrangement PAS
Further information

Technologies recommended by NICE that include a commercial arrangement (excel)

Please refer to NICE TA221 for the romiplostim (Nplate) for treating chronic immune (idiopathic) thrombocytopenic purpura in adults.

This appraisal recommendation was reviewed in April 2022. No new evidence was identified that is likely to significantly affect the current recommendation. Therefore, this recommendation has been transferred to AWMSG’s static list of medicine recommendations.

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