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darunavir (Prezista®) once daily


Following a full submission

AWMSG advice

Status: Recommended

Darunavir (Prezista®) 800 mg once daily, co-administered with low dose ritonavir, is recommended as an option for use within NHS Wales for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in antiretroviral therapy experienced adults with no darunavir resistance associated mutations and who have plasma HIV-1 RNA <100,000 copies/mL and CD4+ cell count ≥100 cells x 10⁶/l.

 Final Recommendation: darunavir (Prezista) 1336 (PDF, 323Kb)
 Appraisal Report: darunavir (Prezista) 1336 (PDF, 435Kb)

Medicine details

Medicine name darunavir (Prezista®) once daily
Formulation once daily film-coated tablet
Reference number 1336

Co-administered with low dose ritonavir for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in antiretroviral therapy experienced adults with no darunavir resistance associated mutations and who have plasma HIV-1 RNA <100,000 copies/mL and CD4+ cell count ≥100 cells x 10⁶/l

Company Janssen-Cilag Ltd
BNF chapter Infections
Submission type Full
Status Recommended
Advice number 1812
NMG meeting date 12/06/2012
AWMSG meeting date 18/07/2012
Ratification by Welsh Government 07/08/2012
Date of issue 13/08/2012
Date of last review November 2022
Further information

This appraisal recommendation was reviewed in November 2022. No new evidence was identified that is likely to significantly affect the current recommendation. Therefore, this recommendation has been transferred to AWMSG’s static list of medicine recommendations

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