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Work in progress

Click on the links or scroll down the page for information about work currently in progress by category. Please note that information summarised on this page is subject to change.

Open consultations

We produce prescribing guidance and other medicines resources to help patients and healthcare professionals in Wales make sure that medicines are used effectively and appropriately. When we produce these resources, we think it's important that people who might be affected by them have a chance to tell us their views. 

We ask patients and carers, patient organisations, prescribers and other healthcare professionals to comment on the resources we're developing. We'd like your views on the resources we're currently working on, listed below. You don't need to comment on the whole document; only on parts that seem relevant to you.

We don't currently have any active consultations, but check back here regularly for updates.

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Medicines optimisation projects

Title: All Wales Medicine Management Guidelines for Integrated Community Based Services

Status: Consultation completed

Remit: This guideline is focused on community care and designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by registered service providers ensuring consistent medicine advice in diverse care settings. Specifically designed to guide local policy development, this guideline aims to establish a unified and integrated policy across health and social care, providing comprehensive guidance for medicine optimisation.

Estimated publication date: June 2025-August 2025

Title: Managing medicines shortages in Wales 

Status: Consultation completed

Remit: This project aims to develop a patient information leaflet to inform people in Wales about what happens if there is a shortage of a medicine in Wales, and the processes involved. The leaflet is intended for all patients, and their families and carers, in Wales. And also for healthcare professionals in Wales who are involved in prescribing and dispensing medicines for which there is a medicine shortage.

Estimated publication date: February -March 2025

Title: Urgent Requests for Repeat Medication – Guidance for community pharmacy, NHS 111 and out-of-hours primary care services

Status: Consultation completed

Remit: Urgent requests for repeat medication are a major burden to NHS 111 and out-of-hours (OOH) primary care services. This document outlines factors to be considered by healthcare professionals when deciding whether to prescribe urgent repeat medication at the request of a patient.

Estimated publication date: March 2025–May 2025

Title: All Wales Shared Care Framework

Status: Consultation anticipated March 2025–May 2025

Remit: To review and refine the current principles for the use of shared care within NHS Wales and to develop an All Wales framework that sets out the principles of shared care and supports health boards and prescribers in the appropriate use of shared care.

Estimated publication date: June 2025-August 2025

Title: All Wales Common Ailments Service Formulary - Monograph for allergic rhinitis (consultation)

Status: Consultation completed

Remit: The Common Ailments Service aims to improve patient access to consistent, evidence-based advice for the management of common ailments.

The Welsh Medicines Advice Service (WMAS), in collaboration with the Community Pharmacy Clinical Advisory Group, have updated the allergic rhinitis monograph to include fexofenadine as a treatment option. The referral, treatment and formulary information have been re-designed based on user feedback.

Estimated publication date: April-May 2025

Title: Policy for the sustainable procurement, management, administration and disposal of medical gases within the hospital setting to achieve decarbonisation

Status: Consultation completed

Remit: This document targets the procurement and management of medical gases. While the principles and recommendations could be applied to many medical gases, this policy focuses on nitrous oxide and Entonox®, as these gases have the highest impact due to high global warming potential and high-volume usage.

Estimated publication date: April-May 2025

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Medicines under consideration by AWMSG Scrutiny Panel

Medicine name: infliximab

Reference number: 6460

Indication: For the off-label treatment of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (ICI) induced grade 3-4 myocarditis that has not responded to first line immunosuppression with corticosteroids.

Licence status: Off-label for the indication under consideration

AWMSG Scrutiny Panel meeting date: 06/03/2025

Medicine name: tocilizumab

Reference number: 6461

Indication: As an alternative to off-label infliximab for the off-label treatment of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (ICI) induced grade 3-4 myocarditis that has not responded to first line immunosuppression with corticosteroids in patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction of less than 40%.

Licence status: Off-label for the indication under consideration

AWMSG Scrutiny Panel meeting date: 06/03/2025

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Licensed medicines assessments

Patients, carers and patient organisations - please see our New medicines needing your views page for answers to some questions you might have about making a submission.

Clinical experts - please see our Clinical expert opinion for medicine appraisals page for background information.

We'd like to receive your submission before the stated deadline (so we can prepare the meeting papers). But we'll still try to include any that arrive late.

Medicine name: ziconotide (Prialt®)

Reference number: 5385 (reassessment of 335)

Indication: Treatment of severe, chronic pain in adults who require intrathecal (IT) analgesia

Patient and carer submission: Download form or submit online

Patient organisation submission: Download form or submit online

Clinical experts submission: Download form

NMG meeting date: 20/03/2025

AWMSG meeting date: 20/05/2025

Medicine name: guanfacine (Intuniv®)

Reference number: 6440 (reassessment of 2361)

Indication: Treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents 6 to 17 years old for whom stimulants are not suitable, not tolerated or have been shown to be ineffective. Intuniv® must be used as a part of a comprehensive ADHD treatment programme, typically including psychological, educational and social measures.

Patient and carer submission: Download form or submit online

Patient organisation submission: Download form or submit online

Clinical experts submission: Download form

LOWMAG meeting date: 07/04/2025

AWMSG meeting date: 20/05/2025

Medicine name: abiraterone (generic)

Reference number: 6441

Indication: With prednisolone for the treatment of newly-diagnosed high-risk, metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) in adult men in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT).

Patient and carer submission: Download form or submit online

Patient organisation submission: Download form or submit online

Clinical experts submission: Download form

LOWMAG meeting date: 07/04/2025

AWMSG meeting date: 20/05/2025

Medicine name: teriparatide

Reference number: 6561 (reassessment of 306)

Indication: Treatment of osteoporosis in men at increased risk of fracture.

Patient and carer submission: Download form or submit online

Patient organisation submission: Download form or submit online

Clinical experts submission: Download form

LOWMAG meeting date: 07/05/2025

AWMSG meeting date: 18/06/2025

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Off-label (One Wales) medicines assessments

Medicine name: panitumumab (Vectibix®)

Reference number: OW29

Indication: For the off-label third line or later treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) as a re-challenge after previous successful first-line use of an epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor (EGFRi).

Patient organisation/patient/carer submission: Submit your response by email to

Clinical experts submission: Submit your response by email to

Submission deadline: 07/03/2025

OWMAG date: 14/04/2025

AWMSG date: 20/05/2025

Medicine name: trametinib (Mekinist®)

Reference number: OW30

Indication: For the off-label treatment of recurrent low grade serous ovarian carcinoma (LGSOC) which has progressed following at least 1 previous platinum-based regimen.

Patient organisation/patient/carer submission: Submit your response by email to

Clinical experts submission: Submit your response by email to

Submission deadline: 21/03/2025

OWMAG date: 12/05/2025

AWMSG date: 18/06/2025

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Policies, strategies and other publications


Title: AWMSG annual report 2024-2025

Summary: Review of the activities and achievements of the All Wales Medicine Strategy Group (AWMSG) between April 2023 and March 2024.

Estimated publication date: September 2025

View previous AWMSG annual reports

Title: IPFR annual report 2024-2025

Summary: Review of Individual Patient Funding Request activity in Wales between April 2023 and March 2024. 

Estimated publication date: September 2025

View previous IPFR annual reports

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