25 October
At the Welsh Pharmacy Awards held at the Vale Resort in September, AWTTC senior pharmacist Richard Boldero and Consultant in Public Health at Public Health Wales Sian Evans, accepted the Sustainability in Healthcare award on behalf of an Inhaler Decarbonisation Task and Finish Group.
The Group, which is Chaired by Sian works collaboratively with stakeholders from across Wales and the other UK nations to provide coordinated support in reducing the carbon footprint associated with inhalers.
AWTTC’s work with the Task and Finish Group includes producing dashboards, monthly monitoring reports, prescribing guidelines, as well as having developed a patient information film on inhaler prescribing, use and disposal. All of this work helps the NHS in Wales achieve the Welsh Government’s decarbonisation targets.
Watch and share the patient information film:
In November 2023 AWMSG published a strategy for inhaler decarbonisation from which the Task and Finish group originated. Read more about the strategy here.