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Best Practice Day - 2 July 2024

We are pleased to announce that registration for this year’s AWTTC Best Practice Day is now open! These events promote and facilitate the sharing of knowledge to improve prescribing practice in Wales.

Please click here to reserve your place for Tuesday 2 July 2024 at the All Nations Centre in Cardiff.

This year the event will focus on medicines adherence in the morning, followed by an afternoon of interactive breakout sessions, alongside plenty of opportunities for networking and catching up with colleagues from across Wales.

The full agenda is available here and below:

9.30 am

Welcome and introduction

Dr Laurence Gray, Chair - All Wales Prescribing Advisory Group (AWPAG)

9.35 am

Opening Address

Mr Andrew Evans, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, Welsh Government

9.45 am

Adherence and shared decision-making: how our beliefs influence our behaviour

Dr Sarah Brown, Research Associate in Applied Psychology and Population Health, Cardiff Metropolitan University. Community Pharmacist

10.15 am

Enhancing Community Medication Adherence Through Digital Remote Monitoring: Innovations for Best Practice

Mr Tom Sauter, Clinical Lead Pharmacist, Integrated Services, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board

10.45 am Coffee
11.15 am

GP Evidence website: a new tool to support shared decision-making in prescribing practice

Dr Julian Treadwell, General Practitioner and Academic Clinical Lecturer, Centre for Academic Primary Care, University of Bristol

11.45 am

Opening up the adherence can of worms: Ways of identifying and addressing treatment non-adherence

Dr Sarah Chapman, Senior Lecturer in Medicines Uses, Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Kings College London

12.30 pm Lunch
1.15 pm Breakout sessions (including coffee)
3.45 pm

Summary and close

Dr Laurence Gray


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