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Prescribing guidance

Guidance to support the safe use of long-term oral bisphosphonate therapy (Retired)

This document outlines an All Wales strategy to modify the risks associated with longer-term use of bisphosphonate treatment, via reassessment of patients and consideration of ‘drug holidays’.

Handbook for homecare services in Wales

This Handbook for Homecare Services in Wales has been adapted from the Handbook for Homecare Services in England, which was published by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) in May 2014.

Prescribing of denosumab (Prolia) in Wales: Review

This document is a review of the 2011 guidance and provides recommendations and guidance relating to the prescribing in Wales of denosumab (Prolia) for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures in postmenopausal women, and is intended to complement NICE TA204.

Supply and administration of intranasal fentanyl protocol

This protocol has been produced by Aneurin Bevan Health Board. It is used to facilitate the self administration of intranasal fentanyl preparations for patients admitted to non-specialist palliative in-patient settings within Aneurin Bevan Health Board.

Prescribing guidelines: Initiating contraception in primary care

Prescribing guidelines for contraception initiation in primary care have been developed by AWPAG, based on work by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, in order to reduce variation across the Health Boards and increase patient safety.

Guidance on prescribing for erectile dysfunction (Retired)

This document provides recommendations regarding the prescribing of treatments for erectile dysfunction.

Warfarin monitoring (Retired)

This document contains recommendations for best practice in relation to the monitoring of warfarin therapy in Wales.

Patient information at the point of discharge: Medicine reminder chart (Retired)

The need for medicine reminder charts upon discharge from hospital was raised as an issue following anecdotal examples of difficulties experienced by patients. The current situation and measures required to alleviate issues raised are discussed in this document, and a template medicine reminder chart for local adaptation has been provided.

Monitored dosage systems

The purpose of this document is to reduce risk and variation in the discharge process in Wales for patients that have been receiving a monitored dosage system (MDS) prior to admission and continue to require an MDS on discharge.

Prescribing medicines for adults who are unable to swallow oral solid dosage forms

This guideline provides a framework for healthcare professionals to support their prescribing decisions in response to the increased demand, complexity and cost of some “specials”.

Prescribing and supply of sip feeds (Retired)

This document describes key priorities for the prescribing and supply of sip feeds in Wales, and is intended to complement NICE guidance on nutrition support in adults (CG32).

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