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National Prescribing Indicators (NPIs) for 2015-2016 comprise thirteen measures focusing on seven therapeutic areas plus the reporting of adverse events. Two of these measures are new for 2015–2016.

On a quarterly basis, a report is compiled analysing the performance of each health board against the current set of NPIs.

⇩ National Prescribing Indicators 2015–2016: Analysis of Prescribing Data to March 2016 5,383KB (PDF)
⇩ National Prescribing Indicators 2015–2016: Analysis of Prescribing Data to December 2015 687KB (PDF)
⇩ National Prescribing Indicators 2015–2016: Analysis of Prescribing Data to September 2015 535KB (PDF)
⇩ National Prescribing Indicators 2015–2016: Analysis of Prescribing Data to June 2015 737KB (PDF)
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