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All Wales Medicine Management Guidelines for Integrated Community Based Services (Consultation)

We would welcome your comments on the draft document titled “All Wales Medicine Management Guidelines for Integrated Community Based Services” and the associated Equality and Health Impact Assessment (EqHIA) form.

The “All Wales Policy for Medicines Administration, Recording, Review, Storage and Disposal (MARRS)” was first published in 2015 in response to medicines practice issues identified within the Trusted to Care report and focused on acute care. The “All Wales Medicine Management Guidelines for Integrated Community Based Services” is focused on community care and designed to address the unique needs and challenges faced by registered service providers ensuring consistent medicine advice in diverse care settings. Specifically designed to guide local policy development, this guideline aims to establish a unified and integrated policy across health and social care, providing comprehensive guidance for medicine optimisation.

This guideline outlines standards governing the safe handling of medicines, aiming to establish a consistent and reliable approach to medicine management across community care. The overarching goal is to ensure that each person receives the highest standard of medicine management tailored to their specific needs.

The principles outlined in this guideline are applicable to a wide range of regulated community-based services, including those working with individuals in their own homes, communal settings like residential care and nursing homes, as well as supported living arrangements

Please access the consultation documents below, add any comments to our consultation feedback form and send it to us at:

Closing date: Wednesday 14 August 2024

⇩ All Wales Medicine Management Guidelines for Integrated Community Based Services - Consultation draft 351KB (PDF)
⇩ All Wales Medicine Management Guidelines for Integrated Community Based Services - Equality and Health Impact Assessment (EqHIA) Form 134KB (PDF)
⇩ All Wales Medicines Management Guidelines for Integrated Community Based Services - Consultation feedback form 35KB (Word document)
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