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phenazone and lidocaine (Otigo®)


Status: Excluded

Excluded from appraisal by AWMSG as meets exclusion criteria 7. See AWMSG criteria for appraising a medicine (PDF, 430Kb) for information.

Medicine details

Medicine name phenazone and lidocaine (Otigo®)
Formulation 40 mg/10 mg per g ear drops
Reference number 4840

Local symptomatic treatment and relief of pain in the following diseases of the middle ear without tympanic perforation: acute, congestive otitis media; otitis in influenza, the so called viral bullous otitis; barotraumatic otitis

Company Renascience Pharma Ltd
BNF chapter Ear, nose & oropharynx
Submission type N/A
Status Excluded
Date of issue 11/02/2021
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