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vonicog alfa (Veyvondi®)


Status: One Wales interim decision

Using the agreed starting and stopping criteria, vonicog alfa (Veyvondi®▼) can be made available within NHS Wales for on-demand treatment of non-surgical and surgical (elective and emergency) bleeding episodes in children aged up to 17 years with von Willebrand disease. Vonicog alfa (Veyvondi®▼) will be available as a second line treatment, given when desmopressin treatment with or without tranexamic acid is ineffective or not indicated.

The risks and benefits of the off-label use of vonicog alfa (Veyvondi®▼) for this indication should be clearly stated and discussed with the patient to allow informed consent.

Providers should consult the relevant guidelines on prescribing unlicensed medicines before any off-label medicines are prescribed.

In November 2022 OWMAG recommended this treatment in NHS Wales, in November 2023 there was a review of the recommendation. OWMAG found nothing new that affects the original decision.

Next review: this decision will be reviewed again after 12 months or earlier if new evidence becomes available.

 One Wales Interim Decision with evidence review. Vonicog alfa for children with VWD (OW19 2023 review) (PDF, 145Kb)

Medicine details

Medicine name vonicog alfa (Veyvondi®)
Formulation 650 IU and 1300 IU powder and solvent for solution for injection
Reference number OW19

On-demand treatment of non-surgical and surgical (elective and emergency) bleeding episodes in children aged up to 17 years with von Willebrand disease

Company Takeda UK Ltd
BNF chapter Nutrition & blood
Submission type One Wales
Status One Wales interim decision
Advice number OW19
Date of issue 07/11/2022
Date of last review November 2023
Commercial arrangement Other
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