Recommendations made by LOWMAG and OWMAG, with their decision rationale, are shared with AWMSG members for consideration at their next meeting.
AWMSG members are asked to endorse each recommendation and confirm that the assessment process followed was appropriate and completed robustly and consistently. AWMSG members may raise any queries they have about the assessment with AWTTC before the meeting. Queries and responses are shared with the Chair of AWMSG and are verbally presented at the meeting.
If AWMSG is unable to endorse a recommendation, their rationale for non-endorsement must be stated and returned to LOWMAG or OWMAG (whichever is appropriate) for further consideration. This allows AWMSG to re-consider LOWMAG and OWMAG recommendations if further information is supplied after which AWMSG will make their final decision.
AWMSG meets monthly or as needed for optimum timeliness. Meetings are open to the public for anyone to attend; however, discussions involving confidential pricing arrangements will be conducted in private.
AWMSG meeting dates, the minutes of previous meetings and information on how meetings are conducted are available from More information about the role of AWMSG, including the Constitution and current membership is available at: