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Access to medicines in Wales

We have completed the review of AWMSG assessment processes and will be implementing the updates with a pilot to commence during quarter 3 2024. More information will be available from this website over the coming months. The updates to be piloted were endorsed by AWMSG at their June 2024 meeting, these are outlined in the AWMSG medicine assessment routes for licensed and off-label medicines document.

In the meantime we encourage companies to send any enquiries relating to submissions for medicine appraisal to us at Alternatively, companies can provide information regarding planned medicine launches by completing and submitting a Form A.

Welsh Government aims to make sure that patients in Wales have quick and fair access to medicines. There are four processes to approve medicines for use in NHS Wales. Our document Pathways for access to medicines in NHS Wales gives more information.


Our video summarises the different ways medicines are made available in Wales.


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