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Accessing medicines

A number of changes to the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG) process for the assessment of medicines for use in NHS Wales will be implemented from 1 January 2025. This applies to the assessment of both licensed medicines and those to be used off-label. For more information please see our news story: Updated AWMSG medicine assessment process to launch in January 2025. Details about the new AWMSG medicines assessment process, the routes of assessment and their criteria are given in the document AWMSG Medicines Assessment Process for Licensed and Off-label Medicines.

This website will be updated to reflect these changes when the process goes live on 1 January 2025. This will include new forms for the pharmaceutical industry and for clinicians and patient organisations to submit medicines for consideration for assessment. In the meantime please send any enquiries relating to submissions for medicine appraisal to us at

Welsh Government aims to make sure that patients in Wales have quick and fair access to medicines. The four processes to approve medicines for use in NHS Wales, a list of our recommendations and information on submitting a new medicine for use can be found below.

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